When you believe

When you believe

Code: Bj TH WYB
書名: When you believe  作者: …

内容简介:Drawings, paintings, and artwork that inspired the animated feature film “The Prince of Egypt” and the text of the New King James Version–tell the inspiring story of Moses for all ages.


Joseph’s coat of many colors

Joseph’s coat of many colors

Code: Bj SM JCO
書名: Joseph’s coat of many colors  作者: Smith, Kathryn

内容简介:This is the story of a boy called Joseph, who has eleven brothers and a very colorful coat! Find out what happento Joseph in this lively retelling of a favorite Bible story. 


Play-and-learn bible

Play-and-learn bible

Code: Bj SI PAL
書名: Play-and-learn bible  出版社: Publisher: Standard Publishing

内容简介:Play-and-learn bible is designed to meet the specific needs of children 4-5 years old by providing: ‧Bible learning in the form of interactive fun ‧variely in story presentation for high interest ‧physical and mental activities to increase story retention


Code: Aj ZH THS
書名:圖畫聖經故事集  譯者: 鄭林生

使徒行傳 I 聖經漫畫

使徒行傳 I 聖經漫畫

Code: Aj ZH STX
書名: 使徒行傳 I 聖經漫畫  作者: 張文偉

內容簡介:《使徒行傳》為醫生路加所寫,前部份主要記述了耶穌升天後使徒們帶領的初期教會的事蹟, 後部份則詳述了歷來最偉大的使徒保羅的事蹟。二千多年後的今天,路加醫生將再以漫畫人物的新形象出現。 他戴著眼鏡,腦後束著小辮,穿著涼鞋,背起沉甸甸的採藥籃,洋洋灑灑地踏上福音之旅。